Applications of Jiggi

Applications of Jiggi


Our applications

The applications of Jiggi. Jiggi is the solution for cutting different materials like cling film, aluminum foil, and baking paper. The unique design has its focus on safety and convenience, so your product has the highest quality cutting blades for every material.


The struggle of tearing off a piece of cling film and ending up in a fight with the blades is one we all know. It gets stuck, it sticks to things it shouldn’t, or you end up with a half torn piece which was definitely not your intention.


And the same story goes on with baking paper and aluminum foil. Blades that don’t work like they are supposed to can be an everyday struggle of your clients. This will come to an end with the blades from Jiggi.


The innovative production method that is used for the blades makes the cutting teeth better than anything you’ve seen before.


The unique 3D shape of the teeth of all Jiggi cutting blades. It does not leave any minuscule splinters after cutting, which means it is 100% safe for food contact, unlike other blades. This safety is a crucial feature in the kitchen.


Our promise: blades that do what they are supposed to. No more material stuck to the cutting blades, 100% safe for food contact and minimum chances of harm.


The key to the success of Jiggi blades is the safety and convenience of our product. Want to know more about the specific applications of Jiggi? See how it can help with: